Low-Poly / High-Poly Baked M9 Bayonet
Monday, June 19th 2023, 8:00am
I have developed strong skills in 3D modeling, using software like Blender, Maya, or 3ds Max. I can create accurate and clean geometry, representing proportions and details effectively.
Through high-poly modeling, I capture intricate details, bevels, and surface features. I am skilled in subdivision surface modeling and sculpting techniques.
In low-poly modeling, I optimize models for real-time rendering while maintaining visual fidelity. I am experienced in retopology techniques for efficient polygon distribution.
I am proficient in UV unwrapping, creating an accurate 2D representation of the surface for texture application.
I have gained proficiency in Substance Painter, using its material library and painting tools for realistic texturing. I add wear, scratches, and other visual elements for enhanced realism.
I pay close attention to detail, ensuring accuracy and realism in modeling and texturing.
I understand optimization and efficiency, considering polygon count and performance in real-time rendering.
I have a deep understanding of how light interacts with different surfaces and materials.
These skills collectively allow me to create impressive low-poly/high-poly baked models with realistic texturing.